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“You’re too sensitive.” That was the criticism I heard again and again growing up. And to some extent, it was true; I’ve always had a keen awareness of how others perceive me and how the relationships around me function, change, and grow. At its worst, this manifests as acute self-doubt. But at its best, it’s a powerful tool for maximizing teamwork. It was no surprise, then, that my Behavioral Elements preference heavily leans into Water Element.

Over the years, I’ve learned to wield this awareness as a strength. I’ve found myself able to intuit others’ moods, from excitement to disappointment to frustration, and I’m able to quickly identify ways I can support people with the issues they’re experiencing. With this perception, I can motivate teams, encourage progress, and take steps to ensure that people feel seen and valued.

People who prefer Water behaviors are people-oriented and community-driven. They are true team members who strive to facilitate comfortable, functional group dynamics. They are good listeners and often act as peacemakers in conflict scenarios.

If you’re a Water Element like me, you can be proud of your empathetic tendencies and your collaborative strengths! But to maintain balance, remember that it’s not always about the collective; it’s okay to prioritize your needs and goals too. I know that if I’m not careful, I’ll drown myself in others’ demands; I learned it the hard way.

People who prefer Water behaviors...are true team members who strive to facilitate comfortable, functional group dynamics.

Now, I try to tap into the other elements and work toward a healthier equilibrium: a bit of Air to generate and celebrate my own ideas; Earth to structure my time reasonably and not overcommit; and Fire to stand up for myself and assert my opinions. With the Behavioral Elements System, hopefully you can find a balance that works for you, too.

If you're interested in finding out which element you align with, take our assessment here.