I love to create. I think it is one of the main aspects that drew me to being a professional speaker. I can remember even back to my days in school, the assignments that I actually enjoyed generally had some element of creation to it. My favorite project was a Rube Goldberg challenge where we had to design a sophisticated contraption with numerous mechanics that ultimately would conclude with dropping a ping-pong ball into a plastic cup. I won the challenge with a 4-tier structure amassing 17 different relays which included using electricity, fire, gravity, centrifugal motion, and more. It is no surprise that I rank particularly high in the Air element in our Behavioral Elements program.
As an adult, I love to create new training programs, design innovative solutions to complex human challenges, and develop unique marketing campaigns that attract attention for our clients. While Air is not my primary preference (Fire is, for those keeping score at home), Air is a very close second in the Behavioral Elements Assessment. This helps to explain why I enjoy my work; I get to innovate every day. It also helps me know that if I am not careful, I can spend all day coming up with new ideas, but have no clue on how to operationalize them.

So, fellow Air Elements, here are a few ideas to help you move beyond the idea phase and into the action phase:
Work on growing your Earth Elemental preference. This may at first be incredibly challenging as the Earth preference is far more structured and process oriented, but you can do this by:
- Collaborating with someone who is high in the Earth preference.
- Establishing measurable objectives and key results for your ideas.
- Using a journal or a planner to track your progress towards action.
Set time aside for action. Brainstorming is great, but schedule out a time to operationalize your plans.
Become more mindful of when you are going down the proverbial “rabbit hole” and avoiding the actual implementation of your ideas.
”We can innovate the next big thing....We just have to remember to take action
These simple steps will help to translate ideas into action. With a strong preference towards the Air element, we can innovate the next big thing. We just have to remember to take action, otherwise our ideas drift off into the atmosphere!
Want to learn more about your behavioral preferences? You can get your free assessment here. Also, listen to our Behave Intelligently podcast, sign up for our newsletters, or engage us for a training!