analytical, organized, grounded
The Earth Element is associated with our Drive to Defend. Regularly reducing risk and happiest when they are protected by processes and systems, the Earth Element is motivated by security, predictability, and certainty.
Earths are deeply grounded and tend to thrive when following steady processes and procedures. They abide by rules and enforce expectations, whether those belong to an organization or to their own personal code. Highly analytical by nature, this Element can be described as system-oriented. When the Earths’ systems are ignored, they can become rigid and inflexible, much like Earth or stone itself. However, they are organized, steadfast, and reliable, and they can bring significant value to communities through their thorough approach to managing projects and tasks.
Earth Strengths
- Earths keep projects and people on track due to their orderly nature and ability to keep building structures.
- They make decisions based on facts and avoid making rash, emotional decisions.
- This Element has a strong orientation towards objectivity and accuracy. They are often good with data and details.
Earth Watch Outs
- Due to their attachment to specific processes, Earth Elements can be overly critical toward those who don’t follow their blueprints.
- Earth Elements have a tendency toward thoroughness. While this may be a pro in terms of ensuring accuracy, it can limit quick decision-making and leave Earths stalling and falling behind.
- Earth Elements may be perceived as impersonal and uncreative.